INDEX was published in 2021 by zimZalla, you can find out more about it and buy it here.

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gentian-spangled sugar and shaky experience
cold and cruel newspaper reports
What's the idea this time?
an isolated queen woke up
A gondola rowed by a lone ghost
trouble with false hearted lovers
look Think of a number
For Heaven's Sake
the humble noble apple
no actual tabletop cooking is involved
make one little pile of haunting sadness
run, jump, you are approaching a divinity.
poetry can be produced in a dark cupboard
hearing the devil
mother is very proud of her large stone intellect
make an experiment
You have turmoils
I should like to show you
I Try to conceal my tender gifts
another nicely behaved snake
He laid his damp palm on the frozen face of nature
good luck London
in a world
dreaming of the golden days darling.
we went to the country
From off your table take the right sort of books
I'm thinking of the man
smooth and important
cut up potatoes for soup
Are you gilt furniture in the slanting sunlight?
place a tea wagon at one end of the earth
sleep off the brandy, speak the truth
artists all over the world
be shy of the coffee
I don't want to go into the details
Why not Make a large, flat, decorative wall map?
Tired of working in the kitchen?
Here we go
across the city for a day and a night
Blend the entire sky with feelings of anger and sadness
In times like these, perform the can-can
families with low incomes are buying
you are in an orchard, Some time after midnight
The problem of the day-by-day fondue hostess
If you have a big fat turkey cock
deeply constant are the feelings In the little cup
the King of their city was a ghool;
Another jerk dictates the gin-sodden gabble of the town
remember a pleasant materialistic painter.
the close-packed clouds play the guitar
This is a tremendous screaming opportunity
black stone, NOTES black gloves
There's nothing like four rather vain attics
call a spade an immense chandelier children
Pretend you lived before
a solid-hearted lettuce has a trifling mind
women should never wear chopped ham or blotted paper
The young grey squirrel
You will need a watery sun.
the mist-enveloped landscape
 a sensible girl witnessing the integration of the bride
how was one to get used to SCHOOL?
after sundown
Let us construct a typical London at noon
Br-r-r-r, it's cold outside-
self-consciously picturesque
The old woman had a cocky air
refine your picture-gallery
I used to go and comb the mountains
A hat should give you a feeling
you ask me why I'm depressed!
long-dead She rose
Start by using a crumpled paper towel
in the dooming times of retreat
my money has a firm handshake
the dead man sat alone in the library
fly over the lawn at dusk.
I would like to thank Van Gogh for the tap on the nut